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Link Financial Outsourcing wins the Collector Accreditation Award

13th November 2015

Link Financial Outsourcing wins the Collector Accreditation Award

Link Financial Outsourcing (Link), one of the UK’s largest specialist outsourcing firms, has picked up two awards from the Credit Services Association (CSA) including the Collector Accreditation Award, for its commitment to accreditation and professional development.

The Collector Accreditation Initiative (CAI) is a CSA led program that annually benchmarks the knowledge, expertise and compliance of agents in order to maintain the highest standards in the credit industry.

Link shared the highest average CAI score during the previous 12 month period, and was recognised for its achievement at the UK Credit & Collections Conference.

“We have incorporated the CAI examination within our own Annual Regulatory Training Programme; it comes at the end of the annual curriculum and consolidates all the learning from the year.

It has proven to be an excellent benchmark process to allow us to measure the effectiveness of our internal courses as well as providing an industry recognised certification for our staff.

The CAI is a valued part of our annual training programme and to have been recognised as the highest scoring company in the UK is a wonderful achievement; the credit for which belongs to our staff.”

Alan MacDonald, Head of People & Culture, Link Financial Outsourcing.