Any customer can contact the Link Finanziaria for any complaints, contesting the behavior, even omission, in relation to the services offered.
To this end, Link Finanziaria has established the Complaints Office at its Legal Department.
Via our complaints procedure, the customer can report behaviors that he considers incorrect or irregularities related to the credit. Any complaints must be sent, in writing, to the addresses and in the manner indicated below:
- By registered letter addressed to:
Office Reclami
Link Finanziaria S.p.A.
Via Ostiense n. 131 / L
00154 – Rome - Complaints can be sent via email sent to: [email protected]
- Any also via certified email (PEC) to: [email protected] or via fax to: 064 521 7905.
So that we can process this correctly, the complaint must contain a specific and detailed description together with the following elements:
- The applicant’s personal details (name, surname, place and date of birth, address of residence, tax code)
- The handwritten signature or certified electronic signature along with a copy of an identity document
- The proxy signed by the customer, in the event that the complaint is presented by a representative acting on behalf of the client
- The subject of the complaint and the related reasons
- The indication of the creditor and of the identification code of the contractual relationship affected by the claim
- The consent to the processing of information pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003
- Any further information and / or useful documentation.
Link Finanziaria does not consider claims for data, documents, information and advice, regulatory questions or requests that do not contain disputes of any kind.
Link Finanziaria undertakes to respond to complaints received within thirty days of their actual knowledge. Once the complaint has been resolved, reports on the same item after the first one will not be taken into consideration, unless substantial changes occur.