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 Delivering positive outcomes for over 4 million customers

We want to help

Call us today at 02 72 24 29 40

Banks, credit companies and financial institutions sometimes prefer to assign the management of their loans to Link Financial. That’s why you may have received a letter from us explaining that we are managing a debt you owed to another lender.

Everyone at Link knows that all customers must be treated fairly and with respect. We will listen carefully and strive to achieve a positive result for you. We are here to solve problems, not to create them.

How to make a payment

Please contact us so that we can find a personalised solution to your debt.

By credit card:

Via the following link:

By calling us at 02 72 24 29 40 

By Transfer:

Please call us at 02 72 24 29 40

By cheque:

Please send cheques to:
Link Financial,
Nantil A,
1 rue Celestin Freinet,
44200 NANTES. 

By direct debit:

You can download the SEPA Direct Debit Mandate here, fill it out and return it to us signed with your RIB, by mail (address above) or by email at

Frequently Asked Questions

The Golden Rules.

No one likes to fall behind on their loan repayments, especially in circumstances beyond their control. But the golden rule to remember is that the problem won't go away just because you ignore it. Contact us and we will do everything we can to help you.

How can we contact you?

You can contact us in different ways: By phone - 02 72 24 29 40. Opening hours - Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 7.30pm, Saturday from 9am to 1pm. Calls may be recorded for staff training, monitoring and quality control purposes. By Email - By post - Link Financial, Nantil A 1 rue Célestin Freinet, 44200 Nantes. In order to answer you as soon as possible, please contact us by phone or email.

I didn't borrow money from Link, so why do I have to pay you?

Some lenders find the administration of loans and credit burdensome. So if they wish, lenders can exercise the right to pass on the debts they’re owed to another company. Which is what’s happened in your case. Link is now responsible for collecting your payments. This change is nothing to be overly concerned about — you’ll find us fair, helpful and sympathetic.

What is the legal basis for this measure?

The legal term for your debt is "assignment of claim". Whenever a debt is transferred to us, we are obliged (under Article 1322 of the Civil Code, which came into force on 1 October 2016) to send the customer a 'notification of assignment' letter, which confirms that your debt is due to Link. Link and the lenders we work with always operate in strict compliance with the Civil Code.

I sent a payment to my original lender by mistake - is that a problem?

No — they will pass that payment on to us, but there will be a small delay in paying off, or reducing, what you owe. Please remember to make all your future payments directly to Link.

Will you add interest to my debt?

The majority of the loans and credits we manage do not accrue interest during the collection process. (The assignment notice we have sent you will state whether your debt is likely to accrue interest). Wherever possible, we will negotiate with you to repay the outstanding balance without applying any additional charges.

I can't pay this debt. Can you help me?

It is in your interest and ours to work together to put a payment plan in place that helps you pay back what you owe. Sometimes it is possible to put a payment plan in place that will allow you to make smaller payments over a longer period of time. If you have financial difficulties that do not allow you to set up a repayment plan, you can call on: the Banque de France, the CCAS (Centre communal d'action sociale), the French federation of Crésus associations or a social worker to help you.

I don't owe any debt.

If you have ANY disagreement about the debt we are claiming from you, then please call or write to us and tell us why. The account may then be placed on hold while our specialist team investigates the matter with you and, where relevant, the original lender. We really do not want to ask for money from people who do not owe it.

Will you take legal action against me?

We do take legal action to recover debts. But we will always notify you (or your advisor) of any action that we’re considering.

But does this mean I will have difficulty getting new credit?

Not necessarily. Your best course of action is to keep up your payments to us and your other creditors. Doing that should improve your credit rating in due course.

If I have a dispute with your services, who do I contact?

Link Financial will make every effort to meet your expectations and to provide you with the best quality of service. However, it may happen that we are unable to satisfy you. In this case, we invite you to contact our specialists in charge of handling customer complaints by sending a letter to the following address: By email - By post - Consumer Service: Link Financial, Nantil A 1 rue Célestin Freinet, 44200 Nantes

How to contact us

We are available from 8.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday, and from 9.00 to 14.00 on Saturdays

Please have your Link Reference number to hand when you contact us and include it in any written communication.

Phone: 02 72 24 29 40


Link Financial,
Nantil A,
1 rue Celestin Freinet,
44200 Nantes.

We want to help

Contact us as soon as possible.